Intergroup Service Representative (ISR)
Service Position: Intergroup Service Representative (ISR)
Length of Service: 1 – 3 years
Qualifications: 12 months regular attendance at meeting
12 months of not incurring unsecured debt
Attend monthly Intergroup meeting
Attend the annual World Service Conference (WSC)
Prepare spending plan for Conference attendance and present to Intergroup on or before March business meeting
If scholarships are needed: Apply for John H. Scholarship by May deadline or earlier
Represent Intergroup at the annual WSC as a voting delegate
Participate on a Conference committee of your choice and work with that committee throughout the year to carry out its Conference-approved action steps
Intergroup prefers the ISR participate in the Conference Intergroup Caucus also
30 days after Conference attendance: report to group at business meeting activities and action steps of the Conference;
30 days after Conference attendance: provide receipts and a written report showing actual spending and approved spending plan, return any excess funds to Treasurer 2;
Report committee and caucus activity at monthly business meetings
Inform Intergroup about D.A. publications and the Ways and Means newsletter and other DA World service events and news
Re-Register Intergroup with the GSO every year by June 30. An “Annual Meeting Re-Registration Form” is available online – It can be printed and mailed in or completed online. As ISR, you are the primary contact, please provide your name and address and other contact information on the form. The Intergroup Chair is the secondary contact.
Estimated time commitment per month: 4 – 6 hours
ISR will receive a DA Manual for Service (DAMS) at the World Service Conference
It is recommended that the ISR is familiar with and practice the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. Also, the ISR should become familiar with the 12 Concepts of Service (as outlined in the DAMS)